About me

Welcome! I am a PhD student in Biophysics at the University of Chicago, applying and developing deep generative models and Bayesian optimization algorithms with high-throughput next-gen sequencing assays for synthetic protein design. I am co-advised by Professors Andrew Ferguson and Rama Ranganathan.

Previously from 2016-2020, I was an undergraduate student, double majoring in Honors Physics and Mathematics at CSU, and was very fortunate to receive the NSF graduate fellowship and COSHP valedictorian. During this time, I began my research in Biophysics and computational biology with Michael Hinczewski’s lab while collaborating with the Umut Gurkan lab in understanding sickle cell adhesion to endothelial proteins using machine learning and statistical physics. Our work in integrating machine learning with cell-adhesion-based assays for studying sickle cell disease has been published in various venues. In addition, during my time as an undergraduate, I have been involved with the Society of Physics students at CSU, where I had the opportunity to help organize Physics outreaches, helping teach physics to elementary students.

I am excited to continue my research at the intersection of machine learning, evolution, and synthetic biology. Thus, I plan to use this website to share my current and future work; since I enjoy sharing knowledge and teaching, I do plan to share pedagogical blogs in machine learning and computational biology. Lastly, outside work, I enjoy spending time with friends, cooking, reading, playing sports, and working out. However, most importantly, I enjoy spending time with my family, especially during the holidays.